A Bridge to the Next Era of SCADA

AUTOSOL Bridge converts MQTT Sparkplug Data into OPC-DA and OPC-UA, allowing existing systems to seamlessly process MQTT data.

AUTOSOL Bridge closes the gap between new technologies and legacy systems – giving organizations the ability to seamlessly implement the tools they need to achieve measurable gains and better outcomes, while extending the life of in-place systems.


Deploy new MQTT technologies with OPC-dependent software.

AUTOSOL Bridge subscribes to any MQTT broker and presents all the MQTT aliases from the broker as advisable OPC-DA or OPC-UA tags. This allows legacy SCADA systems to deploy newer MQTT technologies and integrate them with OPC-dependent software.

Even if a system is compatible with MQTT, it might be too costly to re-engineer or re-deploy that system. AUTOSOL Bridge can be installed and integrated with minimal re-engineering.

  • Multi-Broker Connections
  • Multi-OPC Client Connections
  • Primary Host ID Support
  • Data Backfilling
  • Rebirth Commands

  • Node and Group ID Filtering
  • Write Commands
  • TLS Connections
  • Broker Status Tags

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Ready to get started? Try it today.

We developed AUTOSOL Bridge to enable operators to tap the benefits of MQTT with the tried-and-true OPC-based procedures they currently enjoy. Let us show you how it works.